Admission Details for Patient: Jane (Siani bob mawr) Davies (2501)
Gender: Female Age: 19
Marital Status: Single Religion: Calvinist Methodist
Occupation: Domestic servant
Address: Lllanymawddwy, Merioneth
Date of Admission: October 12, 1875
Date of Death: June 7, 1882
Cause of Death: Erysipelas/Chronic disease of the brain
Disease: Imbecility
Supposed Cause: Heredity/Supposed fright
Medical Certificate:
Her talk is incoherent and she is subject to delusions. She believes that she never sleeps. From mother Elizabeth Davies: She is very violent at times. Has often threatened suicide and has once attempted to do so. Edward Jones, Caerffynon, D
Approximate duration of present attack: 3 years
Number of Previous Attacks: 0
Number of Previous Admissions: 0
Number of Subsequent Admissions: 0
Total Number of Admissions: 1
Relatives affected: Paternal grandfather
Epileptic: No
Suicidal: Yes, threatened at times
Dangerous: Yes, threatened to strike, never did so
Clean Habit: Yes
Food Refusal: Not from relations but refuses from friends
Sleep Habit: Well by day, little at night
Destructive Habit: Has broken one window
Disposition: Never like other children could not learn well
Education: Reads Welsh
Physical/Mental State at Examination: One of 4 children. Makes use of bad language occasionally. Easily led. Three years ago had often spoken of the river and one day was seen going towards it and, being followed and allowed to go, threw herself in over her head. The water carried her down. She came out of her own accord and since then has never said anything more about a river nor made any attempt at suicide.
Current Diagnosis: Schizophrenia (F20.1)
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