Owen Williams (4204)

Admission Details for Patient: Owen Charles Williams (4204)

Name Mismatch: 4204 , 6506

Gender: Male Age: 21
Marital Status: Single Religion: Church of England
Occupation: Labourer
Address: Conway, Carnarvonshire

Date of Admission: June 30, 1890
Date of Death: February 4, 1907
Cause of Death: Acute mania/acute peritonitis

Disease: Mania
Supposed Cause: Under the impression no one will employ him

Medical Certificate:
1. Incoherency in talk, violence, seeing people stealing apples when no one was near, wanting to leave the house to go away. 2. Mary Hoare, his mother, states that he continually states that she ought to be killed, he got up in middle of night, wanted to go to try and get some work. Richard Arthur Prichard of Conway, North Wales.

Approximate duration of present attack: 1 month

Number of Previous Attacks: 0

Number of Previous Admissions: 0

Number of Subsequent Admissions: 0

Total Number of Admissions: 1

Relatives affected:

Epileptic: No

Suicidal: No

Dangerous: Yes

Clean Habit: Yes

Food Refusal: No

Sleep Habit: Bad

Destructive Habit: No

Disposition: A well conducted lad

Education: Fair, reads and writes

Physical/Mental State at Examination: Health good. Patient lives with his parents who have a small farm. A month ago showed evidences of Insanity. Since then has varied much in his behaviour. At one time quiet and at another excited and violent. No cause whatever is assigned.

Current Diagnosis: Schizophrenia (F20.2)

Case Notes

1890 July 2 - Patient is a short but well-built and muscular lad. Brown hair and eyes. Since admission has been quiet and manageable, eating and sleeping well.

Mentally there is much confusion of ideas and his speech is rambling and unintelligible. He does not know how long he has been here and thinks he is in Rhyl but where he cannot say. 9 - Patient after remaining the same for a few days has become worse. Has become stupid and confused and today ran his head against window inflicting a scalp wound. Cannot say why he did it and but very little can be got out of him.

17 - Wound healed.

In a dazed and stupid condition. Will frequently strike anyone near him without reason and can give none. Is continuing in the sole care of an attendant.

Aug 10 - Has become quieter and does not require so much watching. Neither does he strike suddenly as he used to. Still in a state of partial stupor and is doubtless deluded.

In good health.

Oct 12 - Prognosis very unfavourable. Deep stupor.

Harmless and gives little trouble.

1891 Jan 4 - No change. Apr 14 - Semi demented and useless. Wet at times. Quiet and manageable.

(Notes Sept 1891 to Oct 1892 indicate no change). 1893 Apr 3 - Some weeks ago had an attack of Dysenteric Diarrhoea and lay in bed 3 weeks. Is now well and much as usual. 1894 June, Nov - The same. 1895 Apr 10 - Wet and dirty, very stupid, quite useless.

1896 Feb 28 - Quite demented and useless. Careless in dress and habits. Wet and dirty if not looked after. (No change Sept 1896 to March 1899). 1899 June - Seems to be getting thinner and is probably turning out to be phthisical.

1900 Jan, Apr, Aug, Dec - No change. 1901 Mar - Absolutely demented. Wet and dirty.

Has to be spoon fed and is quite helpless.

1902 to 1903 - No further change. 1904 Feb 11 - Since last entry he has had an attack of Typhoid Fever. It began at the end of December and was verified by Widal's test. It was a rather severe case but was accompanied by some Pneumonia in the third week.

He was taken to the Isolation Hospital and is now quite recovered and has returned to his own Ward.

Mentally no change.

(No further change noted 1905, 1906). 1907 Feb 4 - Died today from Acute Peritonitis of 7 days duration.


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