Edward Griffiths (6496)

Admission Details for Patient: Edward Griffiths (6496)

Gender: Male Age: 30
Marital Status: Single Religion: Calvinist Methodist
Occupation: Quarryman
Address: Corris RSO, Merioneth

Date of Admission: February 2, 1905
Date of Discharge: June 28, 1905
Discharge Category: Recovered

Disease: Acute Mania
Supposed Cause: Religious excitement

Medical Certificate:
Hallucinations of hearing and sight, delusions, patient says he sees persons that have long been buried, that they come to worry him at night, excitement, is unable to fix his mind on any subject but religion. Has been occasionally violent, keeps shaking and is very excited, refuses to take his food and says he can live without food and air. (Informants - brother and sister). Dr. R. J. Roberts. LRCP Bron y Graig, Corris.

Approximate duration of present attack: 10 days

Number of Previous Attacks: 0

Number of Previous Admissions: 0

Number of Subsequent Admissions: 0

Total Number of Admissions: 1

Relatives affected: Paternal uncle (epileptic) paternal aunt (insane)

Epileptic: No

Suicidal: No

Dangerous: Yes

Clean Habit: -

Food Refusal: -

Sleep Habit: Poor

Destructive Habit: -

Disposition: Steady and industrious

Education: Good can read and write

Physical/Mental State at Examination: Health good. Has been attending and taking part in the Religious Revival meetings. He became suddenly deranged. He also grieved about his mother's death last October. Always a steady man. His father's brother was an epileptic and his fathers' sister was considered to be mentally deranged,

Current Diagnosis: Acute transient psychosis (F23.0)

Case Notes

1905 Feb 8 - A young good looking fair complexioned man of good height, fair curly hair and moustache. Blue irides, pupils equal and mobile. Mentally he is suffering from Acute Mania of the usual religious type. Very restless, noisy and incoherent, destructive and at times violent. Takes his food but sleeps badly. Feb 20 - Much better and is now more rational and quite well behaved. Has slept well until the last two nights.

Mar 8 - Very variable in manner, quite useless. Apr 10 - Rather better and more rational.

May 30 - The same.

Discharged recovered June 28 1905.


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