Margaret Kelly (6618)

Admission Details for Patient: Margaret Kelly (6618)

Gender: Female Age: 49
Marital Status: Married Religion: Calvinist Methodist
Occupation: Housewife
Address: Carnarvon Workhouse, Carnarvonshire

Date of Admission: August 14, 1905
Date of Death: January 14, 1906
Cause of Death:

Disease: Dementia
Supposed Cause: Intemperance

Medical Certificate:
Complete loss of memory, complete loss of will power, conversation incoherent nonsense, laughs when spoken to. Clara Augusta Parry, The Matron, states that she uses excessively filthy language at times, gets up at night, dresses herself and roams about and makes a hideous noise. Dr. Thomas Roberts, Penymaes, Caernarfon.

Approximate duration of present attack: 336 days

Number of Previous Attacks: 0

Number of Previous Admissions: 0

Number of Subsequent Admissions: 0

Total Number of Admissions: 1

Relatives affected:

Epileptic: No

Suicidal: No

Dangerous: No

Clean Habit: No

Food Refusal: -

Sleep Habit: -

Destructive Habit: -

Disposition: Has led an irregular life


Physical/Mental State at Examination: Health fair. Patient has for 12 months been an inmate of the Workhouse, she is said to have for years lived an irregular life and that she has for 2 years been strange. Has a son in a Reformatory.

Current Diagnosis: Unspecified nonorganic psychosis (F29)

Case Notes

1905 Aug 18 - A short stoutly built but flabby woman apparently in fair health. Has a closely cropped head of hair and a silly and fatuous expression.

She is very demented and unable to give any account of herself, her conversation being rambling and foolish and irrelevant. She laughs frequently in a boisterous manner without having any cause. She is not too clean but so far is easily managed. (Dates of subsequent notes are obscured by the Death Certificate).

- Very demented and dirty but peaceably inclined. - Has slowly become feebler, Dirty and demented.

- In bed in hospital since last entry. Helpless and dirty. Has a sore on right side of buttocks which she scratches and will not allow to heal.

- Bullae also break out from time to time and become sores.

Died January 14th 1906.


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